Feedback on background story for my hacking simulation game

I'm working on a hacker simulation game (browser based mmo style), with a kind of cyberpunk'ish story. If you have the time, I would love to get some feedback on the little background story I wrote for the game :) Thank you in advance!The first version of the Burn software was born in year 2022. This were the end of the digital world as we knew it, for a long time...Burn was a multi-platform malware worm, with the only purpose: To fry hardware parts in electronic devices, by modifying the internal circuits that handles the power to the attached hardware parts. And if that wasn’t possible on a specific device, the power stations were infected at the same time, to pass much more power through than normally. In year 2022 most devices were effected. Everything from desktop computers, servers, phones, game consoles, hospital equipment, factory robots etc. All of these types of electronics were harmed in the heat of the Burn v1.0 attack.The theory of how Burn spread so fast and aggressively, is that it used radio waves to spread the code. These radio waves could interfere with, and exploit the chips in computer controlled devices if sent on a specific secret frequency. And at the same time used the internet to go even further. Nobody knows who wrote the Burn worm, but rumours say it could be the “TiNTE group”. A secret Chinese cyber-army division, known as “This is Not The End”, who worked on a new type of electronic weapon that they have lost control over. These rumours were only supported with the fact, that almost all of the remaining satellites in orbit, are made by the Chinese. And the few remaining operational datacentres is located in the Chinese region. Could this be a coincidence? Nobody knows.In a world without a public internet, and where computers are scarce things that not everybody owns; corporations, criminals and hackers will always find a way to survive. Either by exploiting the possibilities of the situation for their own good, or simply for the love of solving problems out of curiosity.The internet is not completely dead… yet. People around the world, got access via the Chinese government to use the few satellites that are still online. That satellite system is named “2ndGenesis”, and is open for almost everyone. It’s neither stable nor fast, but definitely the best alternative to the internet we had before. To use the 2ndGenesis project, you need a username and password to login, a satellite based modem, and of course the most important thing: A working computer!Computers now are more expensive than ever. But some people have old hardware pieces from before the Burn outbreak, and are capable of building their own machines.4 years has passed since the worm attacked. The New Net has been taken over by anarchy, and criminal web-mafia like groups try to rule over the web, and are in constant war against each other.You will take part as a newbie hacker, trying to get your own piece of The New Net, because there are a lot of money to be earned by selling soft- and hardware, industrial-espionage, R&D information and more... But you are not alone in cyberspace. Others might be looking for the same opportunity for a quick buck and power as you are. So don’t expect to be alone out there, and be careful who you trust. and be careful who you trust. Whom you allies are and whom you enemies are is not always clear.The computer you've scrapped together, almost cost you all your money savings to build. You have also obtained a login to the 2ndGenesis system, a few simple applications and the barest minimum of an operating system.It’s now up to you to explore The New Net, and make your own footprints. But are your footprints clean or dirty? You now have the opportunity to conquer the net!The game is called HackTech Online, and is still in development
